Unlocking Teacher Potential: Growth and Collaboration

by | Sep 3, 2023

Enhancing Teacher Support

I found this blog post “Model, Mirror, Mentor” to be very timely with the start of our new school year. I like how its principles can be applied to both student and adult mentorship.

As the new school year begins, most schools have some new teaching staff. These staff face a multitude of new challenges, even if they are experienced teachers. Every school is different and has a different context and culture.

Understanding School Culture: Every school possesses a unique context and culture, which can be overwhelming for new teachers. By acknowledging this reality, schools can develop long-term, sustainable systems to help new teachers navigate and understand their specific school culture more effectively. This understanding is important for teachers to establish strong relationships with their school community.


A Multitiered Growth Model for Growing Teachers

The Role of the Curriculum Coordinators:

Curriculum Coordinators as mentors or coaches model: At OYIS, we are experimenting with redefining the roles of our PYP curriculum coordinator (PYPC) by incorporating coaching aspects into their responsibilities. These coordinators spend time in classrooms, observing and mentoring teachers, ensuring that the teaching and learning frameworks are effectively implemented. By actively engaging with teachers, they provide meaningful, non-judgmental feedback and support, fostering continuous growth and improvement.


The Role of the Administration:

It is essential to recognize that everyone has their days, and one challenging lesson does not define a teacher’s abilities!


For this reason, I like the classroom walk-through model where the school leader conducts classroom walk-throughs, looking for patterns and gathering data to identify areas of strength and areas where teachers may need additional support. This data-driven approach allows administrators to focus on growth and collaboration rather than isolated incidents.

Administrators play a crucial role in creating a supportive learning environment. By adopting a developmental mindset, administrators move away from punitive measures and embrace a proactive approach. Through open conversations, administrators, coordinators, and teachers can collaboratively identify challenges and develop strategies to support the teacher’s growth and development.


By embracing a developmental mindset and actively supporting teachers, schools can create a culture of growth, collaboration, and support. These approaches not only benefit new teachers but also contribute to the overall professional development and success of the entire educational community. Through shared experiences, feedback, and a commitment to continuous improvement, schools can empower teachers to thrive in their role.

Written By Dwayne Primeau

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