Dwayne Primeau

Senior School Leader / Principal 

Hello, and welcome to my blog! I’m an educator and leader with a rich experience of over two decades in the field. My journey from a fresh-out-of-university teacher to a seasoned educational leader has been nothing short of transformative, and it has shaped my unique philosophy that I practice today – a blend of humanistic, stoic, and systems-thinking approaches.

My leadership style is a blend of heart and head, a balance between systems thinking and empathy. Schools are complex ecosystems that need effective, adaptive systems to keep things running smoothly, especially when you’re working with a diverse, multicultural team.

That said, I know leadership is about more than just systems and problem-solving. It’s about people. It’s about connecting on a deeper level with the team you’re leading. As someone who identifies as an empath, I strive to understand who my team members are, what drives them, and how I can inspire them to give their best.

My approach to education echoes this humanistic perspective. I’m a firm believer in progressive education, where the focus is on the student as a unique individual. I believe all education should start with a heart-first approach if you want students to learn. Students in emotional turmoil are rarely in a mindset conducive to learning. We know this from brain science. For this reason, I advocate for robust wellness and SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) programs in schools.

From my past experiences working with various teams, I’ve discovered that a coaching approach often yields the best results. This is why I named my company ‘Teaching to Fish.’ Instead of prescribing solutions, I’ve found it more effective to guide people through the problem-solving process, offering small, manageable pieces of advice along the way. This method allows individuals to develop their skills and confidence in problem-solving. For this reason, I am a strong advocate of cognitive coaching, a method that emphasizes self-guided learning and problem-solving abilities. I believe this approach empowers people, fostering independence and resilience in the face of future challenges.

So, whether it’s about handling classroom challenges or leading an educational institution, my philosophy is all about blending empathy with systems thinking, fostering individual growth, and putting the students’ happiness and well-being at the center of it all. This blog is my platform to share my experiences, ideas, and insights from my journey in education. Whether you’re an educator, a student, or just someone interested in the world of education, I hope you find value and inspiration here. Welcome, and happy reading!